dimanche, novembre 13, 2022

Un moine chrétien appelle au soulèvement contre les mondialistes

Florian Philippot est l'un des rares leaders politiques à combattre le covidisme depuis le début de la crise sanitaire. Samedi 12 Novembre, il a twitté :

"Tant de morts de jeunes gens, subitement, sans raison.
Partout. L’horreur !

Et l’omerta médiatique et politique totale ! Les uns craignent pour leur fric, les autres pour leur situation judiciaire, d’autres ne veulent pas se dédire ! C’est criminel !"

Les faits donnent raison au moine franciscain Alexis Bugnolo qui avait annoncé en 2021 la mort de 2 milliards de vaccinés.

Constatant que le génocide mondial est enclenché, le religieux n'hésite pas à déclarer l'élite mondialiste hors-la-loi, coupable de crimes capitaux. Il demande l'arrestation, l'emprisonnement, le jugement de tous les criminels. 

Dans une vidéo, frère Alexis Bugnolo appelle à la rébellion pour mettre fin aux desseins sataniques des mondialistes.

"... the Free Peoples of the Earth must now take decisive coordinated action. We must act and not react, because the time is short, and our genocide has already been put into motion.

Wherefore, WE the Free Peoples of the Earth, to liberate ourselves from the cruel, evil, satanic, malign, misanthropic designs of the Globalists, do declare:

THAT WE ARE FREE FROM THE MOMENT OF OUR EXISTENCE and that no group of men or women, however powerful, rich, influential or cruel, has the right to govern us and expect from us obedience and service.

That injustice by its very intention, make all governments lose their authority. That all peoples have the right to remove corrupt leaders, classes, elites, groups, and secret societies which militate against the honesty, freedom, independence, good and rights of human persons anywhere at any time.

Therefore, empowered by the Natural Rights due every Human Person, we declare the Globalist Elite to be OUTLAWS, guilty of capital crimes and by every rational and reasonable measure deserving of immediate arrest, detention, trial and condemnation.

We hereby call upon all our fellow brothers and sisters of the Human Race, to rise up against this Global Conspiracy and take whatever actions are necessary to remove from power, ownership and control, anyone who is cooperating with it. This is our call to rebellion, revolution, and liberty. As a Race we cannot survive, as we have always lived on Earth, without it! "

Source : https://www.henrymakow.com

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